Articles by Nathan Clark

To Vote or Not to Vote:
What Should a Christian Do?

Do we vote or do we not vote? That is the question. A hypothetical situation comes to mind that helps me answer the question, at least for myself. I will simply share it with all of you... Read more

Does Reading Your Bible really make a difference?

Why is it so important to read every day in our Bibles? Is it just because God said to, is it because God promises blessings? That should be enough, but for those who want to know why they feel a strain from God when their reading is neglected or why prayers seem to be less heard when their Bible collects dust... Read more

The Dangers of Love in the Modern World

...The love I want to talk about here is the modern twenty first century love. If parents will become part of their children’s marriages in the area of choosing whom they will spend the rest of their lives with, I believe a great deal of stress and chaos can and will be alleviated from future marriages. I would also like to show in the following words how God designed love as a great infusing tool for young couples and how Satan will use this same format to bring chaos and destruction...  Read more

Bibliology: The Study of God's Word

The two major aspects of the study of God's word are: Interpreting God's word properly, and having the correct word of God to interpret. I think it would be unrealistic to believe that from several different books that are titled the same, yet have completely different contents, that we could find the true meaning of God's word. This might at first seem unimportant... Read more

Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?

This question is not a new one but it does seem to be gaining favor with Christians more and more, here of late. I see an increased number of articles on why it could be acceptable for Christians to be involved with this day of promoting the under world, and the witches and demons that run it... Read more

Epistemology: The Study of Absolute Truth

...Man makes the claim that life came from nowhere and that nothing can produce something. Man's truth is always changing because they believe the world is constantly evolving into something new and better every day. This constant change requires truth to change with it, in order to account for the ever growing degenerate desires of the human heart... Read more

Why am I unhappy with my Church or Church Congregation?

...A church congregation is much like a team. Teams come in all shapes and sizes, but like any team you must pick the one you wish to play for. When one is choosing a congregation one generally looks for a group of people with similar ways of thinking and beliefs. If we try to try to coexist with people of different beliefs, then every day will be a battle... Read more

Persevering in the Faith in a Seductive World

People of the kingdo  m Israel faith are walking away from their faith that they once professed invaluable to themselves and their family, and are exchanging it for a watered down, sugar coated, easy believism theology that is in complete contradiction to their once claim to truth. This walking away from truth is happening with both the churched and the unchurched individual... Read more


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