
Welcome to The Shepherd's Peace Ministries

     Nathan Clark is just a regular family man with regular problems. He lives a humble life, in a rural home with his wife, and two children. Nathan was raised in a country, Bible teaching, church and he began his adult life as a welding graduate from the Missouri Welding Institute. From there he traveled the world as a pipe welder working from the oil platforms of the Gulf of Mexico to the inner dungeons of Nuclear Power plant Reactors. 
      Nathan has endured many hardships as many do in this fallen world, and has learned that Jesus Christ is the answer for every difficult, and disappointing situation. During what was his most difficult walk yet, he gave his life to Christ. Watching as his family was broken, it seemed that they were being taken from him. In that time of complete hopelessness he found the light, hope, and power of Jesus Christ and devoted his life from that point on to God. 
      After shedding the old man, and beginning to walk in the new man that Christ was forming of him, He felt the calling to help, and share what he learned in his walk to victory in Jesus. Not just the victory of eternal life, but the victory that God gives us while we are sill in this world called life. 
      Nathan followed his calling by graduating from Cornerstone University with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Christian Counseling, and completed his Graduate work at the Pastoral Counseling Center. He served as a Chaplain for five years at a Juvenal behavioral Hospital, and continues to teach and preach every opportunity God gives him. 
      Today Nathan is motivated to share the love, and victories that God has to offer in His word through The Shepherd’s Peace Ministries. Join us as we walk, and learn together the Biblical truth that God gives us by building strong, Satan- restraint lives.


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