Series: The Three Greatest Sins of America: 3 Disc Series » The Shepherd's Peace Ministries


Series: The Three Greatest Sins of America: 3 Disc Series

In this three disc series, we will address the sins that have crept into our nation. As Christians, we are called to stand for righteousness.

Lesson 1: "The Sin of the Offerings to Molech"
One stance we must take is in defense of our born and unborn children. This lesson will take a deep Biblical study of what God tells us in this area. We must stand on His word and not on our own opinion of right and wrong.

Lesson 2: "The Sin of Sodom and Gomorrah" 
Do we really understand what caused the destruction of these great cities? They were filled with sin and wickedness like so many other places, so what was it that God was displeased about? 

Lesson 3: "The Sin of the Fallen Angels"
This is a topic that is rarely discussed, but of great importance. As we take a look at this third sin, we will discover how this applies to us and what we are called to as Christians.



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