Why am I unhappy with my Church or Church Congregation?

Why am I unhappy with my Church or Church Congregation?

Having a church congregation has so many benefits that it would be hard to name them all. Security, comfort, inspiration, fellowship, support, confidence, and much more can and are found in the numbers of a church body. Yet so many are still hurting and unfulfilled in the pew they sit in. 

 A church congregation is much like a team. Teams come in all shapes and sizes, but like any team you must pick the one you wish to play for. When one is choosing a congregation one generally looks for a group of people with similar ways of thinking and beliefs. If we try to coexist with people of different beliefs, then every day will be a battle. Like a soldier who feels he is fighting for the wrong side, one will always be struggling with his conscience. 

 This can easily be remedied by simply finding a body of people that share your beliefs and passions. But a more difficult area of concern for unhappy church members is not being on the wrong team but not knowing what team you are cheering for in the first place. If one lacks true convictions and has no solid belief system; then you are like a buoy in the water without an anchor to the ocean floor: always in a different spot from day to day. Christians with vacillating convictions will struggle with most members of their congregation that have solidified views and will find that close friendships within the church will only be with those that have ungrounded positions as well. Even in this circle of friends one will only find complaining and discontent about all the problems they see with their church but not anyone is willing to do anything to make improvements. One is likely not able to contribute much to positive change when you have no confidence or personal conviction in what you claim to believe, and will likely see every attempt to make a difference as confrontational. Not because others are looking for an argument or wish to belittle you, but rather because they know what they believe and have the tools to support their beliefs. This will look like intolerance and lack of brotherly love but in reality it is your conscience that you are dealing with, and the feeling of vulnerability that brings on these discontented feelings. Your conscience will be wounded because you feel guilty for not being able to defend your position well, and you feel vulnerable because you interpret the end result as rejection and are fearful that you are not accepted by them or those who would agree with them (which could be most of your church body), and now Satan begins to plant the seed that you are being judged, but in reality no one has really changed but the one that had the issue to start with. 

There will always be disagreements and hurt feelings when two or more people are brought together, but many of these issues can be averted if we all know what we believe in and why we believe in it, and of course have our belief founded securely in the Bible. 

 My encouragement is to take some time out of your life and dig deep into the word of God and discover for yourself, for what and where you stand with God and his Biblical teachings. I will leave with this verse. REVELATION 3:16 (So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.) These are the words of Christ. He wants convicted and knowledgeable soldiers in his Church. 


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