Absolute Truth

Epistemology: The Study of Absolute Truth

In a good study of Epistemology, the question must be answered. Does absolute truth exist? To find this answer one must look at the only two choices that absolute truth could be sourced; man or God. Man makes the claim that life came from nowhere and that nothing can produce something. Man's truth is always changing because they believe the world is constantly evolving into something new and better every day. This constant change requires truth to change with it, in order to account for the ever growing degenerate desires of the human heart. This moral decay is the evidence of a never ending following of their feeling. Humanist truth is constructed on the vacillating foundation, of what feels right to them at the time they feel it. In the humanist view of truth, the only constant is that there is no constant. 

 God on the other hand makes a claim that life has a designer and that nothing exists by chance. Gods truth is that something must come from something and nothing will always produce nothing. God's truth says that there was a beginning, and that the world is fallen to sin, and because of that, the world is constantly changing for the worse not the better. God's word says “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8). God's truth claims an all knowing and supreme power. 

 By comparison we can clearly see that God' truth and man's truth are significantly different. But what is truth? In order to determine whose truth is absolute, from an unbiased platform, we must have a foundation of truth itself. Truth is best described as, fulfilling what it says. So if I was to say, standing in the rain will not make you wet, you would find out rather quickly that my statement was not true. Truth is never changing. If you stand in the rain for five minutes or an hour you will still get wet, because truth doesn't change with time. Truth is a straight line from the statement to the revealed event, there is no curves or stops, it is only pure by itself and anything added makes it untrue. There is no such thing as shaded truth, partial truth, or enhanced truth. Truth that has any, no matter how small, false added to it makes it untrue. This is a concept that the church world today is truly struggling with. But this was the very vantage point that Satan introduced sin to the world. When Satan came to Eve that dark day in the garden, he quoted God's words right alongside Eve. The only difference was, Satan added his own words to Gods words. Instantly we have truth mixed with lies, which made all the words Satan spoke LIES. This same concept is still used by Satan to day with the Bible. If there are several interpretations of God's word, all cannot be true. Like God himself who is unchanging and untainted in anyway with falseness, his word must be unchanging and untainted in anyway. This means that there can only be one English translation of the Bible. 

 As Christians we would never doubt that from God is truth and his word is truth, yet we are so willing to accept Satan's lie that God's truth goes against the very principle value of truth, and that is that truth is never changing. If we remove God from that box called truth, then we are saying truth is relevant to the situation and time. Is that not exactly what the humanistic view of truth is? “God can not lie.” (Titus 1:2). knowing that God has placed himself in that box of truth, who are we to remove him from it for our own personal convenience or humanist understanding of what we think is right. What God has said in the beginning will still be true till the end. To interpret God's word from start to finish as an evolution, or a work in progress requires a belief in an ever changing God. To believe in an ever changing God is to believe God can and does lie. This belief forces us to accept that God's word has room for flaws and errors. 

 To find the source of absolute truth, that source must meet the criteria of truth, never changing, always fulfilling, and independently pure and without corruption. The true Biblical God meets that criteria. Only when we dilute God's word and try to make it fit our thinking do we place the God of the Bible into the role of a liar. If Christians struggle with the knowledge of absolute truth. It is because they haven't fully accepted who and what God is. This is a religion of its own, calling their god the God of the Bible, but in no way represents the Biblical God's desires and choices. The first step in finding absolute truth is making the decision of accepting God just the way he is without adding to, or taking away from him at any point. 

 When we compare the humanist view of truth, with that of God's, is clear which source of truth matches up with the definition and requirements of truth. God is unchanging, free from impurities, and fulfills his words. The quest for absolute truth ends at the inerrant word of God. We must read God's word with the same presupposition as we have for God. God's word is unchanging, pure and Holy to the last word, and will always make good on its statements. 

 “If you continue in my word, then you are my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.” (John 8:31-32) without question these verses show the origin of truth. That is the word of God. And if we possess the truth we gain freedom. This freedom is the knowledge of righteousness. If you remember in the Garden of Eden, the tree that Adam and Eve were forbidden from, was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Before there was any knowledge of evil, only truth was available, but once evil was added into the picture then the confusion of knowing what is right and what is wrong becomes the battle. The path to true freedom is the ability to distinguish right from wrong. Without that knowledge we are helpless to navigate this fallen world. With that knowledge we can then choose the path of righteousness and that path of righteousness is freedom. That is freedom from the consequences of a sinful walk. Satan wants to hide that truth from us so we are unable to determine what is good and right. Just as he skewed the truth with Eve, which was the word of God, he tries to make us question or even hide the word of God from us. This is why settling for any book with the word Bible on it is so dangerous, because the lies and deceptions found in the wrong Bible will keep every Christian that seeks the freedom found in absolute truth hidden from them. Remember truth mixed with untruth is mendacious. We can never truly find the freedom spoken of in John 8:32 until we have the source of absolute truth to guide us. 

 The prophet Hosea says “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge… seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God.” (Hosea 4:6). The children of Israel are falling and suffering because they are living a life and a belief system that are lies. The knowledge of absolute truth is found in God's Law, but they have “forgotten” the law. They have walked away from the path of truth and accepted the lies that Satan has offered them, which is living by what feels right and good. The humanist view of truth is authored by Satan and we have accepted it hook line and sinker. There are consequences when following untruths. Hosea said “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” If we want to avoid unnecessary pain and destruction, we must operate under the truth of God's law and Gospel. Not knowing truth from lies will not spare us the consequences. Saying “I don't believe” doesn’t make truth a lie, and it doesn't make a lie truth. Absolute truth is unchanging with or without our consent to it, or our acceptance of it. 

 The humanist will always reject and hate God's word because it is the truth. With all the religions in the world. Why is Christianity the only one hated? Even with all the brutal murders and acts of terrorism by Muslims, the world still finds a place for them in their hearts. Why? Because they don't stand for truth, and by not standing for truth they are not intimidating to the life style of the humanist stance of truth. But Christianity is despised because it is truth, and because truth is unchanging it leaves the world powerless to live as they please. Even in the Christian world there are those who fear and hold contempt for true Bible believers. Not because these Bible believers cause anyone harm or discomfort, but because they are right and their very presents in the world is a constant reminder that many Christians are living a lie. Satan is the author of lies and the Christian world doesn't want to be associated with Satan, yet they are unable to give up their human reasoning of God's word. 

 If we know God is truth, then we know that God can't lie. If God doesn't lie, then he would not offer a road to freedom from sin, and the freedom from death. Paul tells Timothy “Who (Christ) will have all men to be saved, and come to the knowledge of truth.” (Timothy 2:4). Christ is clearly giving us a road map to everlasting life and that map is truth. “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God (Christians) may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.” (2Timothy 3:16-17). God clearly lines out that he is the author of the Bible, and that by applying those words to your life in the areas of doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness one will find their walk in life blessed in the good and holy works of God. These good works are the evidence that one is walking in truth. God said in Hosea that lack of the knowledge in truth is destruction, but to Timothy he says that the application of the knowledge of truth will bring good works. We can have full confidence that absolute truth is available to us because God tells us just how to find it.


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